


Evolution of Industrial Automation Systems

In the transition to the current millennium, we have witnessed a profound change in technology, which has led to a whole new way of working in a digital world. This is the fourth industrial revolution. The first industrial revolution, which occurred during the 18th and 19th century, was a mechanical revolution, triggered by the invention of the steam engine. By the end of the 19th and early 20th century, the second industrial revolution unfolded with the adoption of mass production, electrification, and changes in communication. This period is also referred to as the Electrical Revolution. Later in the 20th century, the third industrial revolution brought advances in semiconductors, computing, automation and the internet. This phase is also known as the Digital Revolution.

The fourth industrial revolution has emerged as a result of networking computers, people, and devices fueled by data and machine learning. Although the term “Industry 4.0” is quite vague, a possible definition for Industry 4.0 describes the intelligent networking of people, devices, and systems by utilizing all possibilities of digitalization across the entire value chain.

Trends in Industry 4.0 Automation Systems

工业4.0对电机系统的影响是从“自动化金字塔”到“网络系统”的迁移。这意味着系统的各种元素,例如电动机,驱动器,传感器和控件,都相互联系并连接到云 - 数据中心存储,处理,分析和决策。






In the Industry 4.0 network, the drive plays an important role and is characterized by some enabling features:

  • Secure connectivity: The drive can connect to other elements in a secure manner. Other elements in the network may include drives, PLCs, sensors, and a cloud.
  • 驱动器充当传感器:驱动器使用电动机电流和电压签名分析来感知电动机和应用性能。
  • 驱动器充当传感器中心:驱动器从与驱动器控制的过程相关的外部传感器中获取数据。
  • 驱动器充当控制器:在应用程序约束允许的情况下,驱动器可以替换PLC。
  • Bring your own device concept: Wireless connectivity to smart devices (smartphone, tablet).

Information from the drive can be identified as follows:

  • 瞬时信号:使用内置传感器直接测量驱动器的信号。诸如电机电流,电压,驱动温度及其导数之类的数据,该数据是电流和电压或电动机扭矩的倍数。此外,该驱动器可用作连接提供瞬时信号的外部传感器的枢纽。
  • 处理的信号:源自瞬时信号的信号。例如,统计分布(最大,最小,平均值和标准偏差值),频域分析或任务概况指标。
  • 分析信号:提供驱动器,电动机和应用状况的指示信号。信号用于触发维护或导致系统设计改进。

Motor current signature analysis techniques enable the drive to monitor the condition of the motor and application. The technique allows to potentially eliminate physical sensors or extract early fault signatures which might not have been possible to detect. For example, using the technique makes it possible to detect winding faults in advance or mechanical load eccentricity.




  • Corrective maintenance: The product is exchanged after a fault.
  • Preventive maintenance: The product is exchanged before a fault, although no notifications are received from the product.
  • 基于条件的维护:当产品的实际寿命与预期的寿命和可能的根本原因不同时,产品就会发出警告。
  • Predictive maintenance: The product provides a warning before the product reaches the designed hours of operation, in order to initiate service action.

Why is condition-based maintenance needed?



Overview and benefits





  • Downtime reduction
  • 消除意外生产停止
  • 维护优化
  • 减少备件库存库存



Using an independent system to monitor the condition of a variable speed application is complicated by the need for knowing the speed and the correlating monitored value with speed. Using drives for condition monitoring (“drive as a sensor” or “drive as a sensor hub”) is an advantageous solution, as the information about application speed is already present in the drive. Additionally, information about the load/motor torque and acceleration is readily available in the drive.


  1. 建立基线
  2. Define thresholds
  3. Perform monitoring






Online baseline: This is an advanced method which captures baseline data during normal operation. This is useful in situations when a baseline run can not be performed, because the application does not allow exploring the entire speed range.

建立基线后,下一步是为警告和警报生成阈值。阈值表示必须通知用户的应用程序条件。有多种方式来指示设备的状况,行业中最受欢迎的是具有四种颜色的交通信号灯状态,该颜色在VDMA规范24582 FieldBus中性参考中进行了描述,以进行出厂自动化中的条件监控。


Green: Indicates the equipment is in good condition and performs efficiently.

Yellow: Indicates Warning 1 stage and signifies the first threshold is exceeded. A maintenance action can be planned by maintenance personnel.

Orange: Indicates Warning 2 or critical stage and signifies the second threshold is exceeded. Immediate maintenance action must be carried out by maintenance personnel.

Red: Indicates an alarm and signifies the machine will stop and corrective maintenance is needed.


The following methods are used to define threshold values:

  • 绝对:这是已知设备值的常见方法。阈值具有固定值,与测量的基线值无关。例如,当操作员知道设备的绝对限制时,设置了警报阈值的绝对值。在振动监控的情况下,标准中描述的极限值(例如ISO 10816/20816)可用于警报阈值作为绝对值。
  • 偏移:设置阈值的方法需要了解应用程序和基线值。阈值取决于选择用户定义偏移量的基线值。在这种情况下,风险是设定非常低或高的价值,导致误报。虚假设置也可能导致不重要的监视,即使发生故障。
  • Factor: This method is easier to use than the offset, because it requires less application understanding. The threshold depends on the baseline value which is multiplied by a factor. For example, the threshold value may be 150% of the baseline. The risk in this case is setting a very high threshold.

3. Perform monitoring

Monitoring is performed with continuous comparison to the thresholds. During normal operation, the actual values are compared with the threshold value. When the monitored parameters exceed a threshold for a pre-defined time, a warning or alarm is activated. The timer is configured to act as a filter, so that short transients do not trigger warnings and alarms.

交通信号灯状态具有四种颜色,如VDMA规范中所述24582 FieldBus中性参考,以进行出厂自动化中的条件监视。标题:基于条件的监控技术




