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Reliable pressure relief valves for high-pressure applications. The relief valve is used for protecting the components of a system against overload as a result of a pressure peak.

"},{"link":{"newWindow":false,"url":"/en/products/hpp/valves/solenoid-valves-for-high-pressure-applications/"},"title":"Solenoid valves for high-pressure applications","image":"/media/4358/vdh_vdht.png","imageAltText":"VDH/VDHT directional valves for high-pressure flow direction control - Danfoss","description":"

The VDH/VDHT solenoid valves are used to control the flow direction in high-pressure water applications. The valves are available for a wide range of flows and pressures.

"},{"link":{"newWindow":false,"url":"/en/products/hpp/valves/vcm-and-vch-check-valves-for-high-pressure-applications/"},"title":"VCM and VCH check valves for high-pressure applications ","image":"/media/6474/vcm_vch_frit1120x747.jpg","imageAltText":"VCM and VCH check valves for high-pressure applications Danfoss","description":"

VCM and VCH are check valves suitable for industrial water and seawater reverse osmosis applications. Both valves are made in corrosion resistant material which can handle high-pressure and corrosive media.

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