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  • 一个加热元件- 具有恒定瓦数或自限制加热电缆的加热电缆
  • 一个控制器具有温度传感器或具有温度和水分传感器的控制器
  • 修复元素和配件


大多数电缆都是由具有特定长度的现成的加热元件制造的,具有连接电源电缆(冷线或冷尾)和密封的接头(连接的遮挡或终端)。葡萄园霜保护的加热电缆的线性输出范围通常在10到20 W/m之间(每线性计瓦)。


  • 考虑Vinery的地理位置和温度波动,并选择每米所需的相应功率
  • 指示每行藤蔓的长度
  • 接触eh@danfoss.com进行技术支持








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Outdoor heating cables are used for efficient snow removal and ice prevention. They provide safety for people, buildings, and the environment. It is a sustainable solution for a green and clean future through low energy consumption during the frost period.

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Digital controllers have unique features allowing you to reduce energy waste. Equipped with temperature and moisture sensors, control modes, and special functions, they ensure accurate temperature settings, reducing energy consumption costs by up to 40 percent. ​

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Analogue controllers are thermostats with temperature sensors allowing you to switch the system on and off depending on settings.

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Yearly expenses on candles used for frost protection were high and this solution has not proven to be cost-effective and ecologically friendly. Vineyard owner from Chablis, wanted to have a sustainable and reliable solution for years ahead without hampering the work of the employees.

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